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Our Services

If you're looking for a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings, then individual therapy may be right for you. Our diverse team of practitioners is committed to providing inclusive and culturally responsive care. We believe that every person deserves to be seen and heard and we're dedicated to helping you feel empowered on your path towards healing and growth.


At Vivify Therapy, we understand that sometimes you need more than traditional counselling to work through life's challenges. That's where our coaching services come in, providing you with a fresh perspective and constructive tools to help you achieve your goals. Our qualified coaches have training in occupational psychology, business, and entrepreneurship, ensuring that you receive the best possible advice and support.

Investing in your employees’ mental health is essential for a thriving workplace. Our Corporate Wellbeing programs provide bespoke solutions to meet the unique needs of your staff, particularly those who face race-related workplace stress. Let Vivify Therapy help improve your employees’ mental health and enhance their overall wellbeing.

Group therapy

How we do it

Vivify Therapy combines evidence-based psychology, psychodynamics, decolonial theory, and mindfulness for a personalized and sustainable transformation.

  • Individualized Therapy: Diverse practitioners offer accessible and culturally competent online individual and group therapy.


  • Corporate Well-being Services: Elevate workplace satisfaction and productivity with evidence-based interventions, including workshops and well-being retreats.

  • Personalized Life Coaching: Achieve goals with dedicated support, complemented by digital self-help courses.


  • Culturally Competent Interventions: Ensure inclusivity and equity with responsive interventions for minoritized employees, emphasising lasting well-being across diverse backgrounds.

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